Tag Archives | TSA

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TSA: Full Employment for Nitwits?

 We learned this week that undercover Inspector General testers managed to smuggle fake weapons and bombs past TSA screeners in 95% of their attempts. The worst part of this scandal is that it will make it more difficult for Obama and his Washington media lackeys to restore faith in government. The Washington Post had a […]

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Rand Paul’s Early Foreign Policy Wobbles

Many libertarians are justifiably exasperated by Sen. Rand Paul joining the saber-rattling against Iran. But his foreign policy positions have been shaky for a long time.  Here’s a review of his 2012 book, Government Bullies, from the American Conservative magazine (perhaps Rand’s biggest supporters in the Washington media). Rand has been getting dreadful foreign policy advise […]

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TSA – My Terrorist Tendencies Confirmed

The Intercept has a great story this morning with confidential documents revealing the official TSA warning signs.  My favorite terrorist giveaway is “excessive complaints about  the screening process.” Ya, that was the first trick my Al Qaeda buddies told me about how to finesse airport security prior to wreaking havoc aboard a flight.   I […]

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Wash. Times: Obama Fighting Extremism with Extremism

  Washington Times, October 14, 2014 Obama Fighting extremism with extremism By James Bovard Obama points to war on terrorism to justify oppressive practices at home and abroad In his speech last month to the United Nations, President Obama summoned foreign leaders to join his “campaign against extremism.” While his clarion call was spurred by beheadings […]

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TSA Chief Attacks my Oped on TSA Abuses

TSA chief John Pistole writes to the Washington Times to rebut my op-ed  – TSA holds employees to highest standard   WASHINGTON TIMES – –  August 21, 2014 James Bovard’s “A cure for the common queue at the airport”  is misleading, inaccurate and unfairly disparages the dedicated Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workforce, especially those who […]

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Wash. Times: End TSA’s Extortion and Airport Buffoonery

Washington Times, August 15, 2014 A cure for the common queue at the airport Travelers pay up to avoid the line where embarrassing TSA groping occurs By James Bovard The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is legendary for not giving a hoot about the convenience or dignity of travelers who must pass through its airport gantlets. […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s War on Watchdogs

Washington Times, May 2, 2014 Obama’s War on Watchdogs by James Bovard A Senate report last week revealed that the Obama administration utterly debilitated the inspector general for the Homeland Security Department. Charles Edwards, the acting IG from early 2011 till last December, toadied to Obama appointees at every opportunity — stifling reports, deleting damning […]

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