Washington Times, October 27, 2016 Hillary’s Anti-Transparency Bargain by James Bovard President Obama recently condemned the Republican Party, claiming that its “central principle” is to suppress voting. But, while his administration piously pledges to protect voting rights, it has almost guaranteed that Americans will be blindfolded on Election Day. While the Justice Department will deploy […]
Archive | October, 2016
My 2 Cents on Wikileaks, Clinton, & Watergate
I will be writing more about Wikileaks in the coming days and weeks. But here are some preliminary observations from a recent Press TV monologue: The recent WikiLeaks disclosures about US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reveal the “shocking” calculations of her campaign… says an American analyst. “What WikiLeaks is providing, it’s showing to the […]
Carping on Final Trump-Clinton Debate
Updated on Friday morn – Russian hacking or John Podesta guilty of "grandma's first day on the internet level idiocy"? #PodestaEmails14 https://t.co/RjvWrcQ1eR — James Bovard (@JimBovard) October 21, 2016 Is there anything that #Wikileaks could reveal that would finally force the media to admit the rascality of the @HillaryClinton campaign? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) October […]

FFF: Boy Scouts and the Love of Freedom
Future of Freedom Foundation, Boy Scouts and the Love of Freedom by James Bovard October 18, 2016 Some of my anarcho-libertarian tendencies arose thanks to the years I spent as a Boy Scout. Joining the Scouts was an easy decision, since my father was a Scoutmaster. Even without the family obligation, I might have signed […]
Wash. Times: Clinton’s Forgotten Foreign Aid Fiascos
washingtontimes.com Hillary Clinton’s forgotten foreign aid fiascos by James Bovard Hillary Clinton is the most qualified presidential candidate in history, according to President Obama. Much of her managerial experience stems from her four years as secretary of State. The biggest program she oversaw there was foreign aid, which spent roughly $50 billion a year between […]
Carping on Trump-Clinton Second Debate
Trump said a number of things tonight that mortified me – and I vehemently disagree with him on a lot of issues. But I also vigorously oppose the media’s campaign to coronate Hillary and to portray her as Joan of Arc. Below – my running commentary on tonight’s debate – – Were those outraged by […]
That Inspirational Vice Presidential Debate
Last night’s Vice Presidential candidate debate is another proof that the 2016 campaign is the gift that keeps on giving – at least for cynics. Here are a few tweets and some comments from Facebook – Another victim of the #VPDebate & the 2016 prez campaign – the canard that democracies are naturally peace-loving — […]