Tag Archives | Democracy

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My Rollicking Interview with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist

I had a lively chat yesterday with Mises Institute President Jeff Deist regarding Hayek, Mencken, Washington venality, the Great Books, that bastard Nixon,  and some of my muckraking over the past decades.  I was not aware that folks had considered me a unicorn – I’m more accustomed to being compared to weasels or guttersnipes.  Their interview description refers […]

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Virginians Evict Eric Cantor, Champion of NSA and Torture, from Congress

The Washington political establishment took a whupping last night when Virginian voters staunchly defeated Eric Cantor in the Republican congressional primary.   Cantor’s defeat is one of the biggest upsets in congressional races in a generation. The obituaries on the Tea Party were premature. Washington pundits will have to stop touting Cantor as the future Speaker of the House […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Toxic Secrecy-Censorship Combo

Washington Times, June 5, 2014 Caught between secrecy and censorship Americans need a free press to tell them when the Constitution is trampled by James Bovard Last Monday, the Supreme Court provided invaluable aid to the Obama administration’s campaign to hide evidence of federal abuses from Americans. The court acceded to the administration’s appeal and […]

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Carnage and Coverups: the 150th Anniversary of Cold Harbor

On this day 150 years ago, General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia had their last great victory over the Army of Potomac.   General Grant was convinced that the Southerners were whupped and that he merely had to attack a few more times and Lee’s forces would surrender or dissolve.   Lee outfoxed Grant again and his […]

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Coming Soon? America’s Tomb of the Unknown Democracy

This Tom Toles’ cartoon from the Wash. Post nicely captures the latest election absurdities in Egypt. We don’t have ancient pyramids in this country, but the ruling class is similarly imposing layer after layer of BS on elections. Many Americans already believe that we have an “unknown democracy.” How many absurdities can a democratic system […]

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New Republic Gets Libertarians All Wrong

  I don’t know about other political skeptics, but I certainly don’t recognize myself in this New Republic portrayal of folks who distrust the government.  I’ve never taken an AR-15 to bed even when I was liquored up bad. And choosing Cass Sunstein to review Richard Epstein is a hoot. I first sparred with Sunstein when […]

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Wash. Times: “Truth Will Prevail” – a Costly Govt. Fairy Tale

Washington Times, April 25, 2014 BOVARD: ‘Truth will prevail’ — a costly government fairy tale by James Bovard The Supreme Court heard lawyers wrangle Tuesday over an Ohio law that criminalizes false statements about political candidates. The justices were skeptical if not scornful of the efforts by Ohio and 14 other states to create “ministries […]

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