Washington Times, December 10, 2015 Talking freedom but practicing fear by James Bovard The president employs scare tactics to diminish liberties The most memorable line in President Obama’s Oval Office Sunday speech was his declaration that “freedom is more powerful than fear.” That epigram might have made John F. Kennedy’s speechwriters beam. But it is […]
Tag Archives | ObamaCare

Barrons: Supreme Neglect of Liberty at Highest Court
BARRON’S, September 21, 2015 Supreme Neglect of Liberty at the High Court By James Bovard Author James Bovard writes how America’s highest court has turned a blind eye to fundamental rights. In its recent landmark decision on gay marriage, five Supreme Court justices proclaimed that “the Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach…to […]

FFF: ObamaCare Racketeering & Intellectual Knavery
From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s February 2015 magazine – ObamaCare Racketeering and Intellectual Knavery by James Bovard Paternalism is a desperate gamble that lying politicians will honestly care for those who fall under their power. This axiom has been made stark with the controversy arising from a video of Jonathan Gruber, one of the […]

Wash. Times: Saving ObamaCare with Supreme Hypocrisy?
Washington Times, March 12, 2015 Saving Obamacare with supreme hypocrisy By James Bovard – March 12, 2015 Justices fret over coercing states while endlessly menacing individuals At last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act, several justices questioned whether a verdict against Obamacare would be “unconstitutionally coercive” to state governments that did […]

MP3 of Ernie Hancock Rowdy Interview Today
FreedomsPhoenix hellraiser-in-chief Ernie Hancock, the next mayor of Phoenix, had me on his radio show today. I always like to be on Ernie’s show because that’s the only place that people hear me and think that I am mellow. (Ernie’s show is also broadcast on the Liberty Radio network.) Ernie’s expectation of a mushroom cloud […]
Mises Institute: The Illusion of Reform
Mises Institute “The Austrian” Newsletter, Issue #1, 2015 The Absurdity of “Reform” in DC by James Bovard In the 1930s, peasants who were starving because of the Soviet regime’s brutal farm collectivization policy lamented, “If only Stalin knew!” Nowadays, American social scientists look at floundering federal programs and lament: “If only Congress knew!” And […]
FFF: America’s Cluster Bomb Congress
The Future of Freedom Foundation placed online today my article from the August 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – America’s Cluster Bomb Congress by James Bovard Tens of thousands of Americans have been bushwhacked by a single arcane sentence in a 673-page law Congress enacted six years ago. The IRS is seizing both […]